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Students total:
Statistics Finland, students and qualifications of educational institutions
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Students and qualifications of educational institutions by Year, Field of education, Type of Education and Information

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Students and qualifications of educational institutions by Year, Type of Education, Field of education and Information
 Students total
Basic programmes and qualifications721,305
Humanities (except languages)7,939
Social and behavioural sciences19,076
Journalism and information2,382
Business and administration118,850
Broad programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, mathematics and statistics682
Biological and related sciences4,408
Physical sciences5,803
Mathematics and statistics2,770
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)54,081
Engineering and engineering trades94,206
Manufacturing and processing20,764
Architecture and construction43,466
Broad programmes and qualifications involving agriculture, forestry,fisheries and vetrinary153
Broad programmes and qualifications involving health and welfare173
Personal services53,287
Security services10,017
Transport services17,807

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1 most recent time periods
Documentation of statistics Data on pre-primary education in early childhood education are included from 2013 onwards. Data for 2020 have been corrected as concerns WinNova educational institution (6,768 persons added). Data on pre-primary education pupils for 2021 has been corrected on 25 April 2023. The figures published previously on 25 October 2022 were a total of 58,570 in pre-primary education, 48,907 in connection with early childhood education and 9,663 in connection with comprehensive education. Data on general upper secondary education for 2021 has been corrected on 25 April 2023. The figures published previously on 25 October 2022 were: number of students 107,247 and number of new students 36,900. The figures for those having completed comprehensive education do not include data on Åland from 2020 onwards. The data for 2022 do not include data on comprehensive education in the International School of Helsinki. The numbers of completers of the international matriculation examination, Deutsche Internationale Abitur; Reifeprufung (Dia) were corrected for the years 2021 and 2022 on 20 September 2024. The erroneous figures were 57 qualifications (in 2021) and 58 qualifications (in 2022). The correct figures are 26 qualifications (in 2021) and 29 qualifications (in 2022).
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