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Total of university degrees:
Statistics Finland, students and qualifications
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University students and degrees (education code) by University, Gender, Level of education, Education, Information and Year

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University students and degrees (education code) by University, Gender, Level of education, Education, Information and Year
University total     
82 Doctoral or equivalent level     
SSS Total     
Total of university degrees1,7201,8431,6131,6251,728

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5 most recent time periods
Documentation of statistics


Universities according to the latest statistical reference year.

Level of education

National classification of education 2016


Education code


Total of university degrees

Starting from 1 February 2015, specialist training of doctors and dentists is no longer education leading to a degree. The training of specialist veterinarians is not education leading to a degree starting from 1 August 2023, the transition period ends on 31 July 2027.
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