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  1. 12h4 -- Share and number of enterprises having organised training, share of participants in course or other training, and course training hours received by industry and main industry, 2010-2020

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 58469 Modified: 20230629 12.00

    1. Year: 2010, 2015, 2020, (3)
    2. Industry: Total, The main industry of manufacturing 01-11, 01 Mining and quarrying, 02 Manufacture of food products, ..., 20 Other services (23)
    3. Information: All enterprises (number), All enterprises, personnel (number), Proportion of enterprises that arranged courses and / or other training (%), Enterprises that arranged courses and / or other training (number), ..., Studying in other ways than as courses: self-directed studying, share of participants (%) (20)

  2. 12pg -- Share and number of enterprises having organised training, share of participants in course or other training, and course training hours received by industry and main industry, 2010-2020

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 52097 Modified: 20230629 12.00

    1. Year: 2010, 2015, 2020, (3)
    2. Size category: Total, 10 to 19 persons, 20 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, ..., 1 000 or more persons (7)
    3. Information: All enterprises (number), All enterprises, personnel (number), Proportion of enterprises that arranged courses and / or other training (%), Enterprises that arranged courses and / or other training (number), ..., Studying in other ways than as courses: self-directed studying, share of participants (%) (20)

  3. 13vl -- Costs of course training and organisers of external training by size of enterprise, 2010-2020

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    1. Year: 2010, 2015, 2020, (3)
    2. Information: Training costs as a share of labour costs, %, Training costs per employee, EUR, Training costs per participant, EUR, Training costs per training hour, EUR, ..., Share of other organisers among organisers of training, % (18)
    3. Size category: Total, 10 to 19 persons, 20 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, ..., 1 000 or more persons (7)

  4. 13vm -- Course training costs and organisers of external training by industry and main industry, 2010-2020

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    1. Year: 2010, 2015, 2020, (3)
    2. Information: Training costs as a share of labour costs, %, Training costs per employee, EUR, Training costs per participant, EUR, Training costs per training hour, EUR, ..., Share of other organisers among organisers of training, % (18)
    3. Industry: Total, The main industry of manufacturing 01-11, 01 Mining and quarrying, 02 Manufacture of food products, ..., 20 Other services (23)

  5. 13vp -- Contents of course training as shares of course training hours in training arranged internally and/or externally,%, 2010-2020

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    1. Year: 2010, 2015, 2020, (3)
    2. sdh: a2, a4, a6, a8, ..., a34 (12)
    3. s: Internal training only, External training only, Both internal and external training, Total, (4)
    4. Information: Share of content area in course training hours, %, (1)

  6. 13vq -- Effects of the restrictions caused by the corona pandemic on personnel competence development, %, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Information: Fewer personnel training opportunities than before, %, Fewer training participants than before, %, Fewer training days used on personnel competence development than before, %, Enterprises arranged training that would otherwise not be available, %, ..., Some other effect, % (9)
    3. kaan: Total, The main industry of manufacturing 01-11, The main industry of services 12-20, (3)
    4. Size category: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    5. ksada: Total, o, ll, (3)

  7. 13vr -- Restrictions or obstacles to personnel competence development in enterprises, %, 2010-2020

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    1. Year: 2010, 2015, 2020, (3)
    2. agae: b1, d1, f1, h1, ..., y1 (9)
    3. ksada: Total, dd, ff, hh, ..., ll (6)
    4. Information: Share of enterprises examined, %, (1)

  8. 13x9 -- Contents of training as shares of course training hours according to enterprise size and main industry, %, 2010-2020

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 9517 Modified: 20230324 08.00

    1. Year: 2010, 2015, 2020, (3)
    2. sdh: a2, a4, a6, a8, ..., a34 (12)
    3. Size category: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    4. kaan: Total, The main industry of manufacturing 01-11, The main industry of services 12-20, (3)
    5. Information: Share of content area in course training hours, %, (1)

  9. 13xa -- Share of training hours compulsory for the enterprise's personnel among all training hours, %, 2010-2020

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 8340 Modified: 20230324 08.00

    1. Year: 2010, 2015, 2020, (3)
    2. s: Internal training only, External training only, Both internal and external training, Total, (4)
    3. kaan: Total, The main industry of manufacturing 01-11, The main industry of services 12-20, (3)
    4. Size category: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    5. Information: Compulsory courses share of all training hours, %, (1)